PALOMAT® success at LogiMAT

The LogiMAT fair in Stuttgart this year registered record numbers of participants and visitors. The success of the fair was also good for PALOMAT® – the Danish manufacturer of pallet magazines. The results at LogiMAT included a record in sales opportunities, record sales from the stand, and ten potential new dealers.
PALOMAT® drew lots of interest
Certainly, PALOMAT® went to the LogiMAT fair with high expectations. Even so, they had not dared to hope for quite such positive results just a few weeks after the fair. Even on the stand, PALOMAT® could barely keep up at times with the many interested visitors.
There was great interest especially in becoming a PALOMAT® dealer – and it came from new markets where there are no dealers at present – some outside Europe.
“So even though we are celebrating our 25th anniversary this year, there are still companies who have never seen solutions like ours before. It was great to be reassured that there is still great potential in our product on our present markets, and not least on new markets.”
- Majbritt Svane, Area Manager at PALOMAT®.
New strategy for fairs
Last time PALOMAT® took part at LogiMAT was in 2011, but the results did not live up to the targets that were set. A new fair strategy was needed, with more involvement from German dealers, before LogiMAT 2017 could become a reality. Head of Sales for Germany, Susanne Møller Pedersen, was highly satisfied with the decision:
“This year, five selected German dealers have taken an active part at the fair – with more activities, and they were more streamlined, before, during, and after the fair. Our dealers made a determined effort – especially on the stand – and they have certainly helped to achieve the fine results we have seen so far. It was clearly the right year to return to the fair. Now we have the job of turning all the prospects into orders, so we will be watching in suspense to see how sales go the next couple of months.”
Whether PALOMAT® will be back at LogiMAT in 2018 depends on results in the next months generated by the fair. If the sales follow on, PALOMAT® is prepared to repeat the success next year.
Published April 2017.
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